We constantly strive for easy drinkability when creating our beers, which is why we have never made such a strong IPA before. However, the "Money series" has always included stepping out of our comfort zone, in this case a leap, the result of which is not an easy refreshing drinking beer, but that was not the goal either. The carcass :) amount of hops (citra, galaxy, amarillo, vic secret) does not loudly, but more like a mature jam, blends into the thick malt juice, creating a special harmony.
We love drinking Track IPAs, so it's a pleasure teaming up with them to do some science and have some fun. We've managed to get hold of the first ever Strata® CGX™ hops in Europe, a new cryogenic concentrated lupulin form of an already hero-status hop. In addition to Idaho 7 and Citra, plus a special yeast blend, this one's a winner.
The GUEUZE TILQUIN À L'ANCIENNE – CUVÉE JEAN-PAUL was blended in honor of Jean-Paul Tilquin (1947 - 2010) with 40% 1-year old lambics, 30% 2-year old lambics and 30% 3-year old lambics, all matured in oak barrels. Unfiltered and unpasteurized, this beer was refermented and matured in the bottle for 2 years. It is part of our Family Tree Project: a different blend for each member of the Tilquin family tree.
The juicy tang of Passionfruit and Apricot nectar paired with a silken, viscous body and lightly salty, delicately drying finish.Sumptuously solero-esque and moreish as sin. Pic credit by William Harris.
1. Unique flavors and constituents Craft beer offers a wide range of flavors and constituents that mass- produced beers can not match. Craft breweries frequently experiment with different hops, malts, and other constituents, performing in distinct and complex flavor biographies.
2. Supporting original businesses numerous craft breweries are small, singly possessed businesses, and choosing to drink craft beer helps support original husbandry and small businesses.
3. Advanced quality constituents Craft breweries frequently use advanced quality constituents, similar as locally sourced hops and malts, performing in a superior tasting beer.
4. No complements or preservatives Mass- produced beers frequently contain complements and preservatives to extend their shelf life, while craft beer is generally made with natural constituents and no added preservatives.
5. Further environmentally friendly numerous craft breweries use sustainable and environmentally friendly brewing practices, including using solar energy and repurposing brewing derivations.
6. Lesser variety With thousands of craft breweries in the world, there's an nearly endless variety of craft beers to choose from, each with its own unique flavor profile and brewing style.
7. Supporting invention Craft breweries are frequently at the van of invention in the brewing assiduity, experimenting with new constituents and brewing ways that can push the boundaries of what beer can be.
8. Community structure numerous craft breweries serve as gathering places for beer suckers, creating a sense of community and fellowship among those who appreciate a well- drafted beer.
9. Promoting beer culture Craft beer has helped to promote a culture of appreciation for beer, elevating it from a simple alcoholic libation to a complex and nuanced culinary experience.
10. Supporting creativity and passion Craft breweries are frequently innovated by passionate and creative individualities who are devoted to brewing high- quality, distinctive beers. Choosing to drink craft beer supports their vision and helps to foster a culture of creativity and passion in the brewing assiduity.
It's always a treat to get to brew with our hoppy brethern from Girona
as two things are guaranteed: a great beer and a great party. Ramon and
the crew are always up for a laugh but when it comes to beer things get
serious! And this is one serious DIPA. A thick, pale yellow that slaps
you across the chops with all things bright and dank. The full range of
the frequency spectrum is covered here. A big aul dose of Strata, El
Dorado, Citra and Columbus form the band with lots of passion fruit,
peach, grapefruit, some pine and no little bit of sticky icky.
This beer is tasting good. Like, really good. Dangerously good. We're talking Possibly the Best Rated Beer By Our Taste Panel Ever good.
Hats off to Brian and Sam and the team who have brought this beer to life. We hope you love it.

It’s an 8.9% West Coast DIPA, featuring some of Dogfish Head’s favourite US hops; YCH301 Simcoe, YCH 301 Citra, Simcoe T90, Chinook T90, and white sage
An immensely robust, roasty stout base is dosed with colossal levels of
Madagascar vanilla beans & Barrington Trillium Blend Coffee followed
by the uniquely delicious addition of Cardamom. Seductive aromatics of
chocolate cake, vanilla cream, cinnamon, and freshly brewed coffee
beckons from the glass. For an additional layer of oaky complexity, we
conditioned this beauty of a beer in bourbon barrels for 10 months. Full
bodied with light sweetness and balancing bitterness.
Brewed with Nelson Sauvin, Riwaka, Mosaic and Cashmere utilising a technique called hop bursting on the hot side for waves of flavour alongside multiple dry hop additions with some of our favourite varieties. Flaked everything, super soft and delicious. Pic cerdit by Tom James.
Oud Beersel (BEL) - Oude Geuze Barrel Selection Barolo - This
is a collaboration with Regalli Birra who provided the Barolo barrels
for this exclusive edition. The barrels were filled in April 2019 with
3-year-old foeder-aged Lambic and aged for 2 more years on the 4 Barolo
barrels before being blended and bottled. This Oude Geuze matured for 19
month on bottle before being released.
Kettle sour brewed with double the cherry addition of Death By Cherries, for a total of 1 tonne of fruit. Brewed with Bourbon-infused chillis and dark chocolate. Thick and juicy
dark Morello cherry up-front, Bittersweet smoky heat of chipotle &
ancho chillies and dark chocolate with a lingering hint of Bourbon.
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- freshhops
- frontaal
- fruitale
- fruitbeer
- fruitedbeer
- fruitedgose
- fruitedsour
- frutti
- fruttidimare
- fuerstiwacek
- fuerstwiacek
- funkyfluid
- futurestate
- fuzzdog
- fyneales
- galwaybay
- gamma
- garage
- garagebeer
- garageproject
- gbg
- geergeek
- germanbeer
- germanbeers
- germany
- geuze
- gipsyhill
- glasshouse
- golden
- goldensour
- goldtop
- gose
- gosestyle
- gozsdu
- graces
- graf
- greece
- greek
- green
- greenbeer
- greencheek
- gringosamgos
- grisette
- gruit
- Grund
- gueuze
- guineu
- gyros
- gyros kucko
- hackney
- hairofthedog
- halloween
- hamburger
- hamburgerday
- hayzbeer
- hazy
- hazybeer
- hazybeers
- hazyipa
- hefeweizen
- heist
- heistbrew
- help
- hetuiltje
- holygoat
- homemade
- homes
- honestbrew
- honeybeer
- hopbomb
- hopcity
- hopfanatic
- hopheads
- hophooligans
- hopjuice
- hopjuice. dailybeer
- hoplager
- hopped
- hoppy
- hoppylager
- hops
- horizont
- horror
- hot
- hotsauces
- howlinghops
- hummus
- hummusbar
- hungarianbeer
- hungary
- huskey joe
- hybrid
- hybridbeer
- icebock
- icecream
- igor
- iiipa
- iipa
- imperialbeer
- imperialporter
- imperialstout
- india
- indiapaleale
- indiapalelager
- indiehops
- indoor
- infinity
- ingoodcompany
- instabeer
- instant
- instantnoodles
- interboro
- interview
- invitro
- ipa
- ipa. indiapaleale
- ipl
- irishbeer
- irland
- islay
- israel
- istambul
- italian food
- italianbeer
- italy
- jameson
- jamie
- japan
- jedi
- jesterking
- jezek
- juguetes
- juicebomb
- juicy
- juicybeer
- jwakefield
- kaapse
- kcbc
- kebab
- kees
- kezmuvessör
- kézművessör
- kfc
- killer
- kimchi
- kingpin
- kiralyutca
- kolsch
- kopaszigát
- kveik
- kveikipa
- labelart
- lactose
- lactoseipa
- lager
- lambic
- lapirata
- laquince
- latvia
- laugar
- leeds
- lefthandedgiant
- lervig
- leves
- lhg
- lightbeer
- limesour
- limited
- lingonberry
- lochlomond
- lostandgrounded
- lougranbrew
- love
- lowabv
- luxury
- maartisanales
- madscientist
- madx
- maelk
- magicrock
- magnify
- maisel
- maltagarden
- maltgarden
- malty
- mango
- maple
- margarita
- masala
- mead
- meadscientist
- meat
- Meat & Sause
- melomel
- mexican
- mexico
- mikkeller
- mikrofon
- milkshake
- milkshakeipa
- milkstout
- miniburger
- moderntimes
- moersleutel
- mogwai
- moksa
- mondo
- monkish
- montseny
- monyo
- moondogbrewing
- moragmyerscough
- movie
- mutedhorn
- mutedhorns
- myrrys
- naparbier
- nedipa
- neipa
- nelson
- neonraptor
- nepale
- nerd
- nerdbrewing
- netherland
- newbalance
- newbars
- newbristol
- newengland
- newenglandpaleale
- newpaleale
- newyork
- newzeland
- ninja
- nonalcoholic
- noodles
- norhternmonk
- north
- northbrewing
- northernmonk
- norvegianbeer
- norway
- norwaybeers
- nurme
- nyc
- oakaged
- oatmeal
- oatmealstout
- oatwine
- oedipus
- oldale
- oldstreet
- olgaris
- ology
- omnipollo
- oobrewing
- orange
- organic
- osobrewing
- other half
- otherhalf
- oudbeersel
- overtone
- öl
- padthai
- pale
- paleale
- palelager
- palelale
- parazs
- paris
- pasta
- pastore
- pastrami
- pastry
- pastrybeer
- pastrysour
- pastrysout